
While at Princeton I founded Hoagie, the development club building an ecosystem of campus applications.

Hoagie is a campus application hub and a development club at Princeton

Hoagie is working on making it easier for students to create applications tailored to create student experience online easier. As the President of Hoagie, I helped organize and manage the operations of the club and its projects. I also worked on its core services of its shared application API and components as well as on the launch of its first two applications—Hoagie Mail and Hoagie Stuff.

Hoagie Mail is a web app used to send emails to the entire Princeton University community. It quickly became the primary means of sending email announcements on Princeton's campus, now used to send over 75% of university-wide emails by individuals, independent student groups, and academic department committees alike, now having delivered thousands of emails over past few months. You can see its frontend GitHub project here.

Hoagie Stuff is a campus bullet-in board, allowing students to post short announcements, requests, and host student sales. This platform has been used to host more than 200 student sales alone in its first few months and is still actively used on campus. It integrates with Mail by sending twice a week emails to students about all the recent postings on the platform. You can see its frontend GitHub project here.

Both apps' frontends use React powered by Next.js and deployed through Netlify along with Auth0 for authentication. They connect to a centralized REST API backend running on Go, which also handles routine tasks such as weekly digest emails.

You can learn more about the club and what it is all about at hoagie.io although much of apps' functionality is locked behind a campus login. The club and the platform is still active and expanding!